November 27, 2011 - Chinese Hat, Galapagos

Galapagos Hawk


Posing Pup

Mother and pup

Chinese Hat 

Marine Iguana

Sally Light-Foot Crab
Today we welcomed the island of Chinese Hat. Baby sea lion pups covered the shore of this island. Sun-bathing next to their mothers, they seemed unbothered by our presence. Their curious, brown eyes gazing at us with warm, lovable affection. Accustom to human visitors, they often sought out our attention by posing or "showing-off" their whimsical, swimming skills. All of us could not resist taking picture after picture after picture. If it were not for Victor directing us to the next spot, we would be transfixed on these captivating pups playing in their natural environment. Curious Galapagos hawks surveyed the area looking for fresh food. Next we headed to Whale Bay where we saw a few more hawks and turtles.

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