February, 16-18 - Ruta 40, Argentina

From El Calafate we booked a bus through Chalten Travel Agency to Bariloche via the legendary “ruta40,”  the longest road in Argentina that runs parallel to the Andes mountains. The trip took two days, traveling approximately twelve to fourteen hours per day with an overnight stay at Perito Morena. On route, we saw some of the most beautiful, pristine and unspoiled landscapes of Patagonia. The road was rough at times, unpaved, and passed through some of the remote areas of Patagonia.  It was a difficult journey and it’s hard to say whether it was worth it. In retrospect, we feel the best way to do it is on your own. On a bus, it turned out to be too uncomfortable and constraining to fully enjoy.  Also the likely hood of a breakdown is higher. On the first day, we had about a three-hour delay when the bus broke down, and all we could do was roll with the punches. Safe to say, we don’t recommend Chalten Travel. Instead opt for a four-wheel drive vehicle, preferably one that you drive on your own, in order to truly appreciate the majesty of ruta 40.

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